Candle Wax Gel Transparent - 2.5Kg
Gel wax colorless transparent.Melts around 95ºC.Transparent wax (Gelwax) long burningGelwax is a transparent raw material used in recent years for the production of candles in glass containers. Candles made from gelwax burn for many times longer than similarly sized candles made from paraffin or vegetable wax. But unlike the previous materials, gel + Read More
- Gel wax colorless transparent.
- Melts around 95ºC.
Transparent wax (Gelwax) long burning
Gelwax is a transparent raw material used in recent years for the production of candles in glass containers. Candles made from gelwax burn for many times longer than similarly sized candles made from paraffin or vegetable wax. But unlike the previous materials, gelwax is soft and therefore can be used only inside containers.
Dangers and precautions
Making candles from gelwax, if basic safety rules are not followed, can prove to be dangerous. The most common accidents are burns to the skin due to carelessness in handling the melted gelwax or filling the glasses and causing a fire, either due to heating above the auto-ignition temperature of the gelwax, or spillage onto an open flame or hot surface ( e.g. stove on). By taking common sense precautions and using proper equipment, risks are minimized. Previous candle making experience is important, however it should be noted that gelwax ignites at much lower temperatures than paraffin and vegetable waxes. Gelwax, although harmless and non-toxic at room temperature, it becomes flammable at high temperatures and specifically has a flash point below 200°C. Therefore, great care is required until it melts (this will happen at about 100°C) and the heating is stopped. It is recommended to use a thermometer, scale 0-200°C, so that the temperature is constantly checked. Temperature control is essential, not only to avoid fumes and fire, but also to achieve the best possible quality of the candles produced.
The laboratory must have carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers or dry powder. It would also be good to have one or more containers of fine sand and shovels. In case of fire, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases are produced, the inhalation of which should be avoided.
The product is non-toxic and does not irritate the respiratory system. In case of contact with eyes or skin, washing with water is sufficient. But since gelwax is cast at temperatures above 90°C, any contact with the skin at these temperatures can cause burns. The use of protective gloves and goggles is therefore recommended. In case of burns from hot gelwax, burn ointment is recommended. Candles produced from gelwax are safe to burn, as long as the usual rules for safe candle burning are observed.
Equipment - materials
Stainless steel boiler, preferably two-bottom (bain-marie), equipped with a ball valve at the bottom, from which the melted gelwax will be taken. In a large-sized boiler, it is useful to have a second tap so that two people can fill glasses at the same time. In the case that the boiler is double-bottomed, to transfer the heat to the gelwax it is necessary to use a special heat transfer oil (Shell Thermia B or similar) and not water. In a small-sized boiler, the heating is done with an electric resistance, while in larger capacities, an oil or gas burner can also be used. In any case, a thermostatic switch should be installed that will keep the temperature constant, both to avoid fire and to achieve good quality of the candles produced. To save energy and time, the boiler must be externally insulated. Thermometer scale 0 to 200°C. Stirrer for mixing the gelwax and dissolving any colors or fragrances that will be added to it. For a small-sized boiler, a simple ladle is enough. The stirrer can be made of stainless metal or aluminum or wood. A plastic stirrer is not recommended. If the boiler does not have a faucet, then a metal ladle or a large kettle is required to fill the containers.
Filling Materials and Other Vessels
Gelwax is highly visible on clear glass glasses and general crystal vessels such as vases and other containers of various shapes. Good quality transparent plastics resistant to high temperatures (over 100°C) can also be used, such as plastics used in food packaging. The better the quality of the containers used, the nicer the finished product will look.
It is recommended to use waxed wicks, which are available either in pieces one meter long or ready-made, i.e. cut into different lengths (from 4 to 20 cm) and placed on a metal base. They are available in various thicknesses, depending on the diameter of the candle to be made. There is a risk that if the gelwax is poured too hot, the wax coating of the wick will melt and thus bend the wick or cloud the gelwax locally. Knitted wicks can still be used after proper soaking in a paraffin mixture with 1 to 2% hardener. Lead wire core wicks have the advantage of not bending when burning, so there is no risk of the candle going out. However, although their use is not prohibited, it is recommended to replace them with other fuses, due to the harmful effects of lead. Windproof wicks are available for outdoor candles, but they smoke excessively. All wicks must be supported on a metal base so that they remain upright during the burning of the candles.
Gelwax is optionally colored with the wax pigments which are in pellets form. A minimum amount of colorants is required (Approximately 5-10gr) per kg of gelwax. Colors should be added after heating is stopped. They can either be added directly to the boiler or first dissolved in a small amount (eg 100gr) of gelwax and then added to the boiler. In any case, stirring is required, but this must be done very slowly so as not to create bubbles. We always start with a small amount of color and add little by little until we reach the desired shade. All colors, as their ratio in gelwax increases, darken up to a certain shade, beyond which the added amount color has no positive effect, but instead creates problems during burning. In order to have a consistent shade in the products produced, the amount of color must be accurately determined with a suitable scale.
Fragrances evaporate more as it increases the temperature. To minimize the amount of fragrance that evaporates into the environment during candle making, the fragrance should be added to the gelwax when it is ready to be poured into glasses. As with paints, slow stirring is required so that the fragrance dissolves throughout the gelwax mass. Some perfumes from the way they are manufactured are not transparent, but have a light, usually yellow, shade, which can affect the color of the product produced. Perfumes are added in a ratio of 0.5 to 1% (5 to 10 grams of perfume in 1 kg of gelwax). A larger amount of fragrance may cause fogging and/or problems during combustion. To preserve the aroma, it is recommended that the candles be covered with a transparent plastic film, which also protects them from dust.
Decorative items
Can be used any decorative item, as long as it does not melt at the gelwax casting temperature and does not ignite when the candle burns. Shells, dried fruits and flowers, colored glasses, stones, etc. are usually used.
Instructions for making candles
The glassware as well as the decorative objects to be used must be preheated in an oven or in the sun so that there is no trace of moisture. If cold or wet utensils and objects are used, there is a high chance that the gelwax will become cloudy and many bubbles will form. If bubbles form, then the dishes should remain in the sun or in an oven for at least 15 minutes. The wicks may be pre-installed, but in this case they must be glued to the bottom of the pot, otherwise they will be swept away by the liquid gelwax during casting and come out of place. They are easier to apply after casting and while the gelwax is still fluid. In the latter case, pay attention to the level to which we will fill the containers so that the wicks, after their placement, protrude about 1 centimeter from the surface of the gelwax. Fill the boiler to 3/4 of its capacity and slowly heat the gelwax until it reaches a temperature of 100°C. If the boiler is equipped with a thermostatic switch, then set the thermostat to 100°C, otherwise the temperature must be checked frequently with the thermometer to avoid fire. Stop heating and add, if required, color and/or flavoring. Let the gelwax cool to 90°C. We pour the gelwax and place the wicks (unless we had placed them beforehand). Then, as the gelwax cools and becomes thicker, we place the decorative objects, always taking care not to be too close to the wick, because in this case the combustion may not be satisfactory. After the glasses are filled they should be left still for about an hour to allow the gelwax to set.
The most common problem with gelwax candles is the appearance of many bubbles and foam. Although a small number may be desirable, when many small bubbles appear the transparency of the wax is limited and the result is often unsightly. However, foam and small bubbles can serve to represent a glass of champagne, beer, Nescafe, etc. Bubbles can be created when the humidity of the environment is high, when containers or decorative objects are cold or damp, when it has been rapid stirring of the gelwax in the boiler and when containers are filled from a great height. Room humidity can be reduced by using an air conditioner in dehumidification mode. If this is not possible, then it is better to avoid making candles from gelwax on days when the humidity of the environment is high. If we have chosen sea sand, shells, etc. to decorate the candles, then special attention must be paid to their drying. Mainly sand contains sodium chloride (salt) and other hygroscopic elements, which absorb moisture and make complete dehumidification difficult. The sand can be washed first with clean water and then placed in a warm place until it dries very well. Rapid stirring of the gelwax in the boiler should be avoided because it entraps air which appears in the form of many small bubbles. The same happens when we fill the glasses from above. Bubbles often form around the wick, which can be avoided by quickly dipping the wick in very hot gelwax, i.e. by "waxing" the wicks with gelwax. If eventually, despite the above precautions, bubbles form, we can eliminate them from the finished candles by prolonged heating in an oven at a temperature of 70-75°C. The oven door should remain slightly open to allow moisture to escape. Alternatively and depending on the weather conditions, we can place the candles in the sun. Surface blisters are also eliminated by using an air heater or hair dryer.
Paco code5300315
Product TypeWaxes
DescriptionCandle Wax Gel Transparent
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