Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnishes

Paco Code: 5713015
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Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnish is an easy-to-apply, archival spray varnish with UV protection. Apply it in thin layers over oils, tempera, acrylics, watercolors, gouache, pastels, oil pastels, photo prints (especially glossy photos), and between layers of airbrush applications. Composed of a pure acrylic polymer containing a highly effective UV a  + Read More

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  • Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnish is an easy-to-apply, archival spray varnish with UV protection. Apply it in thin layers over oils, tempera, acrylics, watercolors, gouache, pastels, oil pastels, photo prints (especially glossy photos), and between layers of airbrush applications.
  • Composed of a pure acrylic polymer containing a highly effective UV absorber, UV Protect is water-resistant, lightfast, age-resistant, and non-yellowing. The ultraviolet protection enhances the lightfastness of the underlying layers, and this protection increases with each additional layer of varnish that is applied. Other features include good adhesion, abrasion resistance, and hardness.
  • UV Protect is fast drying, easy to work with, colorless, and dries perfectly clear. Works treated with UV Protect can be overpainted after drying. ,
  • Apply as many thin layers as required to achieve the desired surface. The varnish layer can also be removed or cleaned using solvents. Final sealing of UV Protect increases color intensity and can result in a slight change in color tone.
  • The sophisticated spray technology used in these aerosol cans allows for application of extremely fine layers with no accumulation of droplets. UV Protect exudes substantially less noxious fumes when wet as compared to many similar products. The solvent odor dissipates quickly and no smell can be detected after the product dries. This product contains no chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
  • Note - Test Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnish before applying it over your entire surface. Apply it in thin layers to achieve a clear coat. Thick layers cause the spray to turn white and milky.

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