DIY Earrings with Shrink Paper

Make easy earring in your home with shrink paper.

Creation Materials

Creation Instructions


  1. Cut the shrink paper with scissors, a cutter or a perforator into the design you want. Punch a hole if you want it to become a pendant or key ring.
  2. Color the cut piece with crayons, alcohol markers, inks, stamps, etc. and let the colors dry. Note: Colors will become more intense and brilliant after baking and shrinking.
  3. Place the piece of shrink paper on non-stick cooking paper or aluminum foil.
  4. Bake it in a preheated kitchen oven at 120ºC for 2-3 minutes with the colored side facing up.
  5. At first the sheet will be wrinkled - don't worry - after a while it will become flat again. You can work it during baking (eg curve it or tap it with a smooth surface to help it become perfectly flat.)
  6. The project is ready!
  7. You can now add components e.g. earrings, key chains depending on its use!