Sennelier Oil Color Rive Gauche 705 Warm Grey - 200ml
Τα λάδια Sennelier Rive Gauche φέρνουν την επανάσταση στα λάδια ζωγραφικής! Στεγνώνουν 2 φορές ταχύτερα από τα κλασσικά λάδια ζωγραφικής κάνοντας έτσι ταχύτερο το χρόνο δημιουργίας του έργου. Ενώ π.χ. το Λευκό Τιτανίου κάνει πάνω από 8 ημέρες να στεγνώσει στα κλασσικά λάδια, στα Rive Gauche στεγνώνει σε 5 ημέρες (σχεδόν μισός χρόνος). Υψηλή περ + Read More
- Τα λάδια Sennelier Rive Gauche φέρνουν την επανάσταση στα λάδια ζωγραφικής!
- Στεγνώνουν 2 φορές ταχύτερα από τα κλασσικά λάδια ζωγραφικής κάνοντας έτσι ταχύτερο το χρόνο δημιουργίας του έργου. Ενώ π.χ. το Λευκό Τιτανίου κάνει πάνω από 8 ημέρες να στεγνώσει στα κλασσικά λάδια, στα Rive Gauche στεγνώνει σε 5 ημέρες (σχεδόν μισός χρόνος).
- Υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε χρωστικές (πιγκμέντα) για υψηλή καλυπτικότητα και καθαρότερες προσμίξεις.
- Έχουν σατινέ αποτέλεσμα και ομοιόμορφη υφή και είναι κατάλληλα για όλες τις τεχνικές ελαιογραφίας (glaze, wet on wet κτλ.).
- Περιέχουν καρθαμέλαιο που είναι ανθεκτικό στο κιτρίνισμα του χρόνου αντίθετα με τα περισσότερα λάδια ζωγραφικής που περιέχουν απλό λινέλαιο.
- Οι αποχρώσεις του καδμίου έχουν την καλυπτικότητα και την ζωντάνια που έχουν σχεδόν και τα πραγματικά χρώματα καδμίου!
- 32 χρώματα (81% της γκάμας) αποτελούνται από μια χρωστική (μονοπίγκμενα).
- Είναι οικονομικά, ενώ όλες οι αποχρώσεις έχουν την ίδια τιμή (1 σειρά)
- Φτιάχνονται στη Γαλλία - Made in France
- Κατεβάστε / εκτυπώστε το χρωματολόγιο-φυλλάδιο εδώ
Product TypeOil Paints
Color FamilyBlack & Grey
Paco code7102612
Color NameWarm Grey
DescriptionOil Paint
Πληροφορίες Χρωστικής
Pigment NamePW6-Titanium White
Pigment typeinorganic
Chemical Nametitanium dioxide
Chemical FormulaTiO2
Titanium White is the most brilliant of the white pigments. It is considered an all purpose oil color useful in all techniques and the best all around white. Its masstone is neither warm nor cool, placing it somewhere between Lead White and Zinc White. It is less prone to cracking and yellowing than Lead White, but it still yellows easily. Titanium White dries slowly in oil form, more slowly than Lead White but more quickly than Zinc White. It is opaque in oil and acrylic forms and semi-opaque in watercolor form. This pigment has good chemical stability, and its tinting strength is superior to both Lead White and Zinc White.
Titanium White has excellent permanence and lightfastness.
Titanium dioxide is highly stable and is regarded as completely non-toxic. Animal studies do not indicate that it is absorbed biologically, even after long periods of exposure. The primary safety concern is with inhalation of fine pigment dust particles. If inhaled in large amounts over several years, Titanium White may cause benign pneumoconiosis visible on x-rays. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) considers fine titanium dioxide particles, if inhaled, to be a human carcinogen. The primary concern for artists is to avoid exposure to fine particulate dust from raw pigments.
Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the Earth's crust, however mineral deposits that are economical to mine are less common. Titanium dioxide was first discovered in 1821, although it could not be mass produced until 1919. Widespread use of the pigment began in the 1940s. Since that time, it has become the most commonly used white pigment. The name comes from the Latin word Titan, the name for the elder brother of Kronos and ancestor of the Titans, and from the Greek word tito, meaning day or sun.
Pigment NamePBk11-Mars Black
Pigment typeearth
Chemical Nameiron oxides
Chemical FormulaFeO or Fe2O3
Mars Black is an opaque black with a strong and cool masstone, a slightly warm tint, and a warm brown undertone. It is not as black as Ivory Black, but it dries more quickly and has three times the tinting strength. Mars Black is normally the only black available in acrylic form and that is safe to over paint. It can be used in all media without reservation and is widely used as an alternative to Lamp Black and Ivory Black.
Mars Black is very lightfast with excellent permanence.
Mars Black has no significant hazards and is the only major black pigment considered non-toxic.
The word Mars refers to the Roman god of iron and war. Mars Black was developed in the early 20th century from inorganic, synthetic iron oxide.
Pigment NamePY42-Mars Orange
Pigment typeinorganic, earth
Chemical Nameiron oxide
Chemical FormulaFe2O2 or Fe2O3H2O
Mars Orange is a bright, extremely light red and appears almost pinkish in contrast with darker colors. It has incredible tinting strength and opacity. The synthetic form of Mars Orange is made from iron oxides and is cleaner, brighter, and denser than its ochre-based counterparts.
Mars Orange has excellent permanence and lightfastness.
Mars Orange has no significant hazards.
The word Mars refers to the Roman god of iron and war. Mars Orange has been manufactured as a pigment since the 17th century.
Pigment NamePR101-Red Iron Oxide
Pigment typeearth, synthetic
Chemical Nameiron oxides (synthetic), iron oxide, silica, alumina, lime, and magnesia or hydrated iron oxide
Chemical FormulaFe2O2 or Fe2O3 x H2O
Red iron oxide varies in hue and transparency, depending on hydration and slight impurities. Indian Red is a slightly duller, deep brick hue with a bluish undertone. It is very dense and opaque, with excellent tinting strength and covering power. It is dependable when mixing with all other permanent pigments and yields good flesh tints when mixed with Zinc White. It is the synthetic version of PR102, which is a pigment made from earth reds, or natural red iron oxides, and the names applied to PR101 and PR102 often overlap. The synthetic red iron oxides have mostly replaced natural red iron oxides and are brighter, stronger, finer, and more permanent. Indian Red is the highest grade bluish shade. Light Red, English Red, and Venetian Red are yellowish shades. Mars Violet is a dull and subdued bluish or purplish oxide.
Red iron oxide is very lightfast with excellent permanence.
Red iron oxide has no significant hazards.
Natural red iron oxide comes from the mineral ore hematite, called bloodstone by the ancient Greeks from the word hema, meaning blood. It is one of the oldest pigments, has been used by every major civilization, and was an important mineral for medieval alchemists. It was not widely used in artists' materials until the 17th century and was not produced in large quantities until the 18th century.
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